Don't think about making art,
just get it done.
Let everyone else decide
if it's good or bad,
whether they love it
or hate it.
While they are deciding,
make even more art.
- Andy Warhol ♥
This beautiful art in the last two pictuere
are from the artist Laurence Amelie.
For me...this is amazing art.
Love it. ♥
Posljednje dvije fotografije su radovi
umjetnice Laurence Amelie.
Predivni su.
( 1,2,3,4 photo via Pinterest Hellen
last one from Laurence Amelie )
Preeedivno, zadnje dvije su mi odlične! Nježne, romantične!:)))
wow, beautiful pics!
Da, njezini radovi su stvarno odlični:))